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London & Corey's Wedding

All photos used in this post are courtesy of Lyttle Photo Company
London & Corey's First Dance

Hello again! This week were are on a road trip. We are heading to the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company in Stewarstville, NJ for the wedding of London & Corey. It just also happens to be the day, a Nor Easter has decided to develop off the NJ coastline.

Originally when London had contacted us it was to handle both here Ceremony and Reception, but she would soon find out that because of policy reasons the venue could not allow what she had envisioned for her ceremony. London was actually able to secure a new location in a park about 30 minutes away from the venue. Without power though, there was not anyway of us providing power for the ceremony. London said that maybe live music would be more romantic anyway, and would fit better with the setting of the park.

Well as we have seen so many times this summer...Mother Nature had other plans. They were forced once again to move there ceremony to a church this time because of the tremendous amount of rain that was now falling.

After the Grand Entrance London and Corey took to the dance floor with their wedding party behind them for their first dance as husband and wife to "H.O.L.Y" by Florida Georgia Line. Then they asked the Bridal Party and their partners to join them for a second dance to "What I Never Knew I Always Wanted" by Carrie Underwood.

It was then London's turn to take to the dance floor with her father for the Father/Daughter Dance, dancing to "Girl You Think I Am" by Carrie Underwood

London and her father during the father/daughter dance

Toasts were then given by the Matron Of Honor and the Best Woman, before dinner was served, a meal that was catered by The Franklin Volunteer Fire Company. After dinner it was on to cake cutting. The cutting of the cake was accompanied by Scotty McCreery's "This Is It"

We then opened the dance floor for the rest of the night...

We finished out the night with the Bride & Groom doing their final dance to "Parallel Line" by Keith Urban and the final song of the night "The Time (Dirty Bit)" by Black Eyed Peas.

Congratulations Again To Mr & Mrs Hoffman!

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